AmI-11 is over… It was great!

With the presentation ‘Beyond Ubicomp – Computing is Changing the Way we Live’ Albrecht Schmidt from Stuttgart University closed a successful AmI-11, the international conference on ambient intelligence, that I organized this week in Amsterdam.

Albrecht Schmidt
Albrecht Schmidt, closing speech

With in total more then 220 people visiting AmI-11 (more than 140 visited the 9 workshops, of which a large part participated also in the conference) it was a very lively event, with demos, industry and posters. The theme of the conference being ‘Shaping the Next Decade’, it became clear that ambient intelligence is now more than just interconnected smart devices but has really entered everybody’s life and has tremendous social impact. Therefore the position of the human and the social place of the new technology was stressed by both the opening speech of Emile Aarts, Philips, and in the plenary of Margareth Morris of Intel Labs. We also had a great time at the boat ride and the dinner in De Waag.

Emile Aarts
Opening of the conference by Emile Aarts
Margaret Morris
restaurant de Waag
Dinner in De Waag
start boat trip
Boarding at the Amstel River

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