Sensing social networks

Handing out the sensors (Photo: Ork de Rooij)
Audience in De Rode Hoed

In collaboration with the group of Maarten van der Steen from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Hayley Hung and Gwenn Englebienne from my group at UvA, carried out a unique experiment using a wireless sensor network. The experiment addresses two simple questions:

  • Can we detect social interactions by sensing proximity and/or motion?
  • Can we detect the wearers’ status (professor, student..) by sensing proximity and/or motion?

This experiment is quite unique, if only due to the size of the wireless network, consisting of over 200 mobile nodes. To the best of our knowledge, an equivalent experiment of this size has not been conducted before, ever. 70 of the mobile nodes logged accelerometer data. We want to check if we can discriminate between the different wearers from their activity patterns.

Data was gathered during the event ‘30 Years of Informatics Education in Amsterdam’, which was held in ‘De Rode Hoed’. The joint meeting featured talks by both past and present researchers of both VU University Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam, addressing the past, present and future of the field.

And also: Arnoud Visser showing the robots
Interaction between users
Interaction between users (Photo: Ork de Rooij)

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